The CPQ Blog

Enhancing Quotation Documents with AI: A Structured Approach for CPQ Systems

Written by Magnus Fasth | Dec 18, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Creating quotation documents in the complex world of Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) systems might seems like a meticulous, sometimes painstaking task requiring a blend of precision, personalization, and flair.

Yet, with the advent of Language Models (LLMs), we're witnessing a seismic shift in how these vital documents are crafted.

This blog dives into a revolutionary, structured approach using AI, transforming the way we conceive and curate quotation documents. It's not just about getting the facts right; it's about weaving them into a narrative that resonates, aligns with your brand, and ultimately, converts.

Welcome to the future of CPQ document creation - where Good Old Fashion AI meets artistry.

Understanding the Structured Approach

In the world of CPQ, precision is king, but how do we marry this with the need for creativity and customer engagement?

Enter the structured approach to using AI in crafting quotation documents.

The first step is the Product Summary Prompt. Here, AI is tasked with boiling down your product's essence into a few crisp sentences. It's not just about listing features; it's about highlighting how these features solve real-world problems. Think of it as your product's elevator pitch, crafted by an AI that understands your product as well as you do.

Next up is the Context Setting Prompt. This is where the magic of storytelling begins. AI takes into account the seller's background, mission, and how they want to be perceived in the marketplace. It's like setting the stage before the main act – your product. This context provides depth, making your offering not just a product but a solution with a story.

Finally, we have the Detailed Instruction Prompt. This is where you guide the AI on the nitty-gritty – the tone, style, and any specific content requirements. Whether it’s a professional and concise tone or a friendly and engaging one, this step tailors the content to fit your brand's voice perfectly.

Quality Control through AI Assessment

But how do we ensure this beautifully crafted content hits the mark? This is where AI's self-evaluation comes into play. Imagine having an internal editor that rates the generated text. A score of 10 means the content is spot-on – it's engaging, accurate, and perfectly aligned with your brand's voice. Anything less, and it's back to the drawing board.

This process is not just about error-checking; it's about finesse. The AI considers factors like readability, emotional appeal, and alignment with customer needs. It's like having a seasoned marketing guru embedded within your CPQ system, ensuring every word resonates with your target audience.

If a piece scores low, it's not the end. It's an opportunity to refine and perfect. This iterative process means that with each cycle, the content becomes more polished, more impactful. It's a relentless pursuit of excellence, powered by AI.

Tips for Enhancing AI-Generated Content

Now, let's elevate our AI-crafted content from great to exceptional. First, Iterative Refinement is key. If the AI's rating is less than ideal, don't just start over; ask it for specific feedback. Where did it fall short? Was it the tone, the clarity, or perhaps it didn't quite capture the emotional essence of your brand? Use this feedback to fine-tune your prompts and get even closer to that perfect 10.

Variety is the spice of life, and this holds true for your content as well. This brings us to Variation in Text Generation. Avoid the pitfall of repetitive or monotonous content by mixing up your prompts. Experiment with different angles, stories, and even content formats. This keeps your material fresh, engaging, and more importantly, it keeps your audience coming back for more.

Lastly, Feedback Incorporation. The ultimate test of your content's effectiveness lies in how it's received by your audience. Incorporate customer feedback and analytics into your strategy. What resonated with them? What didn't? Use these insights to inform your AI prompts, turning good content into content that truly connects and converts. That's how we use the BI-tools connected to Tacton CPQ.

Remember, at the heart of this AI-driven approach is the goal to create content that not only informs but also engages and converts. It's a blend of science and art, data and storytelling, precision and creativity. And with these tips, you're well on your way to mastering this balance.

If you want to know more about how we are currently implementing this, book a meeting below and we'll tell you what you need to know.