The CPQ Blog

Why Most CPQ Solutions Fall Short

Written by Magnus Fasth | Sep 5, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Screaming “Tacton’s CPQ is unparalleled!” at the top of our lungs isn't just a catchy mantra – it’s a reality that we, in the manufacturing realm, have observed firsthand.

But shouting from the mountaintops aside, let’s roll up our sleeves and uncover what truly sets Tacton’s CPQ apart from the sea of configuration tools flooding the market.

A Market Swamped with Mediocrity

No sugarcoating here: the CPQ software landscape is littered with tools that promise the moon but barely launch off the ground. So, why do many falter? For one, they lack a foundational understanding of manufacturing's intricate needs. They're like ill-fitted shoes – sure, they cover the basics, but walk a mile, and the discomfort becomes palpable.

A Symphony of Features with Tacton’s CPQ

Enter Tacton, weaving a rich tapestry of features that aren’t just add-ons but essential gears in the manufacturing machinery. Its dynamic environment visualization stands out, allowing teams to perceive configurations in a real-world setting. And it’s not just about looks; it’s functional. Want to alter a component's size, shape, or function? View it dynamically and make real-time decisions.

But the pièce de résistance is Tacton's integration capabilities. Most CPQs live in isolation, leading to manual data transfers and endless syncing nightmares. Tacton, however, melds seamlessly with CRM and ERP systems, making data silos a thing of the past.

Speed is of the Essence

Let’s not forget the accelerator feature. While many CPQs trudge along, struggling with complex configurations, Tacton’s CPQ zips through, providing swift, accurate results. In a world that waits for no one, this feature isn't a luxury; it’s a necessity.

The Verdict: Not Just Another CPQ

Many configuration tools on the market can be likened to background extras in a movie – they’re there, but hardly memorable. Tacton’s CPQ, on the other hand, is the leading actor, driving the narrative, and leaving an indelible mark on the audience.

It’s evident: to compare Tacton’s CPQ with generic tools is like comparing a masterful symphony to a toddler banging on pots. One offers depth, richness, and nuance, while the other, well, makes noise.

To wrap it up, the world of CPQ solutions is vast, but only a select few stand out, and Tacton's CPQ not only stands out – it soars. In a market saturated with mediocrity, Tacton is the gold standard, a beacon of excellence in the manufacturing world.